Doctors were forced to improvise when it came to removing a sex toy from one unlucky patient.
The unnamed man turned up at the emergency room with a 23-inch sex toy lodged inside his colon. He apparently struggled to remove the toy at home.
Deciding he needed expert help, the red-faced 31-year-old went to hospital 24 hours after the sex toy became stuck.
He told doctors he was suffering from mild abdominal pain, but other than that had no symptoms that were causing concern.
X-rays showed a “long and large-sized” foreign body in his colon.
Doctors at ASST Great Metropolitan Hospital in Niguarda, Italy, tried to remove the sex toy using standard techniques, where a tube and grabbing device is inserted.
But due to the “smoothness and size of the object” none of the tools medics had were able to grab hold of the sex toy.
The grabbing devices were either too loose or simply didn’t have the range to latch on to such a large foreign body, the doctors wrote in a case report.
Stuck for ideas on how to remove the sex toy, the quick-thinking medics invented a new tool, using medical wire to latch on to it and pull it out.
Threading the wire through a catheter tube to create a “noose” at the end, they were able to insert the tube into the man’s colon and reach the sex toy.
The noose of wire was then looped around the sex toy like a lasso and tightened until doctors had enough grip to pull it out.
The patient was discharged the same day and suffered no further symptoms.
“Our new ‘handmade’ device proved to be harder than an ordinary snare used for polypectomy [a procedure normally used to remove polyps] and allowed us to grab the foreign body,” Dr. Lorenzo Dioscoridi wrote in the British Medical Journal case report.
“The choice of a relatively large diameter of the catheter (2.8mm) allowed us to avoid an excessive kinking of the loop inside the catheter that could limit a correct opening of this snare-like device.
“In our opinion, this new technique is easy and reproducible in most endoscopy rooms, and we suggest it as a valid option to remove large foreign bodies from the colon and rectum when standard endoscopic devices fail in foreign body extraction.”
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