Clocks change 2019: When do clocks go forward – will Brexit affect the clocks change?

The clocks going back an hour in winter and forward in spring may feel like a very British institution. But in fact when we change our clocks is something currently set out by the EU. In Britain we shift from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to British Summer Time (BST) every March. Bt why do we do it and when will the clocks move forward this year?

When do the clocks move forward in 2019?

As we move towards summer we have more hours of daylight, which is why the clocks change every spring.

We all lose an hour of sleep every March when the clocks move forward an hour to fit with the longer days.

This year the clocks will move forward on Sunday, March 31, which also happens to be Mother’s Day.

The shift will happen at 2am in the morning, so unless you’re up partying you’re likely to miss it until the following day.

Smart phones and devices connected to the internet tend to update automatically, but you’ll need to move your analogue clocks and watches forward an hour manually, when you wake on March 31.

From March 31 we will be on British Summer Time (BST) until the clocks go back to GMT in autumn.

A nifty way to remember if the clocks are going backwards or forwards is by remembering the saying “spring forward, fall back”.

The clocks are set to move back again to GMT on October 27,2019.

But this could all potentially change depending on Brexit.

Will Brexit affect when the clocks change?

When we move the clocks forward and backwards is currently set by the European Union.

But the EU wants to stop changing the time twice a year.

The European Commission proposed to end seasonal time changes across the continent in autumn 2018. 

If the proposal becomes law then Britain could stop changing the clocks soon as next year.

According to The Sun, Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker said: “Millions responded and they believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that’s what will happen.”

With Britain poised to leave the EU, it is still not clear if we would follow the decision or not.

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