We're Delighted to Inform You That Whole Foods Now Sells Pumpkin Spice Whipped Cream

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Beckyyy #gettheuggs (Rip off of the strap).. Whole Foods said put on that over sized sweater and head on down, because they are not playing games this #YASS ??‍♀️.. The shelves are stocked with Pumpkin Spice and Maple whipped cream along side Pumpkin Spice Latte popcorn and a Cardamom Snickerdoodles cookie mix, and a few other goodies returning. If this didn’t make you run out of just can’t nothing will.. Who is totally ughhh(blonde moment)about this? ????‍♀️?? .. Thank you @trevorclane for the flix?? #food #junkfood #macros #iseesieats #pumpkinspice #pumpkin #wholefood #macros #nyeats #foodofny #nyc #candy #365brand #maple #foodgasm #foodie #foodporn #carbs #newfood #brooklyn #cardio #mmm #yum #grabtheoversizesweaterbecky

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The official first day of Fall may not be until Sept. 22, but Whole Foods is already out here making our wildest pumpkin-spice-loving dreams come true. The food retailer just casually began selling pumpkin spice whipped cream this August, and, um, kindly pardon me while I wipe up the puddle of drool that just formed on my lap from the mere thought of this sweet concoction.

This limited-edition whipped cream — or whipped topping, as it’s technically called — hails from Whole Foods’s in-house brand, 365 Everyday Value. It was first spotted by Instagram user markie_devo, who shared a picture of the pumpkin spice flavor alongside cans of a seemingly new and equally as tempting maple vanilla flavor. According to the packaging, the seven-ounce bottles from the heavens are “made with real cream” and “naturally flavored,” though no specific nutritional information was mentioned or pictured.

Below is just a sampling of the items I’ll be squirting generous servings of this stuff on top of:

  • Heaping stacks of pancakes or waffles
  • My nightly bowl of ice cream
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes and iced coffees from Starbucks, because there’s no such thing as too much pumpkin spice
  • My Aunt Cathy’s pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, for reasons noted above
  • Oh, and yes, I’ll also be enjoying this stuff straight from the can

See below for live footage of me in the checkout aisle of Whole Foods as soon as I get my hands on one of these cans:

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