Succulents are known to be hardy, low-maintenance plants, and with all kinds of varieties in all kinds of colors, they can make fantastic houseplants. But as low-maintenance as they can be, that does not mean you can’t still manage to get it wrong. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to keep your succulents happy and thriving.
Too much water is a huge problem when it comes to keeping succulents alive. Keep in mind that succulents are inherently drought resistant plants and many are found out in the wild in dry areas where other plants cannot survive (from Succulent Plant Care). For them to thrive as a houseplant, you want to make sure that you are working to mimic their natural environment as much as you can. It’s better to give more water less frequently than a little bit of water everyday. You want to make sure that the soil has a chance to dry out before you add more water (via Gilmour). But that’s not the only thing you might be doing wrong.
Most succulents require six hours of sunlight per day
Conversely, you do not want to under-water your succulent. Succulents survive in dry environments by storing water in their leaves, which is what gives them that plump look, so if you are not watering for weeks at a time, the leaves will likely shrivel and then drop off. Stick the tip of your finger into the soil; if it feels dry, it’s time for water (via Better Homes & Gardens).
You also want to make sure that your succulent is getting enough sunlight. Ideally, you want to aim for six hours of sunlight per day. If you have just planted your succulent, though, direct sunlight might be a bit much, so you can place it behind a sheer curtain or ease it into full sun over time (via Architectural Digest).
If you are planting your succulents in a pot, make sure that there’s a way for water to drain out easily. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this. First, make sure that there is a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot itself. Do not add a layer of pebbles or rocks at the bottom of the pot since this doesn’t actually help water drain more easily, but instead use a cactus or succulent-specific soil that will help the water drain effectively (via Better Homes & Gardens). By finding the right balance with these key elements, you are sure to develop a green thumb!
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