First came love, then came marriage, but after Shahs of Sunset star Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi finalizes her divorce, she’s skipping straight to the baby carriage. In fact, the 36-year-old says she’s on the hunt for a sperm donor.
Before starting a family though, she wants to polish off her divorce from ex Shalom Yeroushalmi, from whom she separated in March 2017.
“I am hoping that it all goes well,” she exclusively tells Us Weekly. “Within the next two months, I will be completely divorced and rid of him.” (Speaking of ridding herself of him, Gharachedaghi even went to leading aesthetic dermatologist Dr. Will Kirby of LaserAway to have a tattoo of his name removed from her body, as fans will see in this week’s episode.)
Then it’s on to the “next chapter,” Gharachedaghi says, which is single motherhood. “I’m hunting right now for sperm,” she tells Us.
She also reveals it was her latest breakup that convinced her she could raise a child single-handedly. “I think this marriage did that,” she says. “I never believed in marriage, and I did this marriage for him, and I immediately realized it was OK to be selfish … I’m not getting younger. It’s not going to change, and why not just now? Why not do it?”
Another change of heart: She now wants a baby girl, after years of wanting a boy. “If you’re a single parent, as a woman, I would not know what to do with a boy,” she explains. “Right? I wouldn’t know what to do, and I think I would turn him into this evil fighting machine because I’m so alpha.”
And even though she’s not looking to get married, the entrepreneur wouldn’t be opposed to co-parenting with her baby’s father if the right candidate comes along. “I always say healthy and wealthy is number one,” she tells Us. “Because I don’t want a relationship with a man. I want a good father figure for my child, so I need to know he’s educated, you know, that he can teach his child enough about how to live and get through life, and be very, very financially set to make sure he takes care of his baby mama.”
Shahs of Sunsets airs on Bravo on Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST.
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