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Winter time and being more housebound can increase a person’s risk of vitamin D deficiency – a condition which can lead to serious health complications. So looking out for signs of the condition is extermely important as lacking in the vitamin could create a number of health problems. Experiencing a low mood could be due to not having enough vitamin D in your life.
Insufficient vitamin D levels can cause your bones to become misshapen, brittle, or thin.
Lacking in the sunshine vitamin could also be a precursor for a person to develop depression.
Small studies have found links between vitamin D and depression, but few have followed up with the same affected people over time, while others have not taken into account other factors that can also affect depression.
These findings are important as the TILDA team has previously reported that one in eight older Irish adults are deficient in vitamin D.
The study investigated the links between vitamin D and depression in older Irish adults and then re-examined the participants four years later to see if vitamin D status affected the risk of developing depression.
The study concluded that vitamin D deficiency was associated with a 75 percent increase in the risk of developing depression by four years.
This finding remained robust after controlling for a wide range of relevant factors including depressive symptoms, chronic disease burden, physical activity and cardiovascular disease.
Furthermore, excluding participants taking anti-depressant medication and vitamin D supplementation from the analyses did not alter the findings.
Numerous other studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression.
Researchers have noticed that study participants with depression also had low vitamin D levels.
The same analysis found that, statistically, people with low vitamin D were at a much greater risk of depression.
The researchers believe that because vitamin D is important to healthy brain function, insufficient nutrient levels may play a role in depression and other mental illnesses.
Whether low levels of vitamin D cause depression, worsen it, or are a symptom of the underlying depression is not fully understood.
Dr Sonal Pathak said: “There is no solid proof that vitamin D deficiency causes depression. Large studies are clearly needed.”
Dr Pathak studied three women aged 42 to 66 who all suffered with depression.
All three were deficient in vitamin D, with levels that ranged from 8.9 to 14.5 nanograms per ng/mL.
The women received vitamin D therapy for eight to 12 weeks to replenish their blood levels.
After treatment, their levels increased to 32 to 38 ng/mL. The women also reported corresponding improvements in symptoms of depression following vitamin D therapy.
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because our bodies produce it when exposed to sunlight, said WebMd.
The health site continued: “Vitamin D is also added to milk and other foods and is available in small amounts in fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel; beef, liver cheese, and egg yolks.
“It can be hard to get as much as we need from our diets, which is why supplements are often needed.
“The Institute of Medicine recently raised the recommended daily intake to 600 IU for people aged 1-70 and to 800 IU for adults older than 70.”
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