High blood pressure diet: A powerful mineral shown to lower readings – what foods to eat?

Chris Evans reveals his wife gave him a blood pressure monitor

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Having consistently blood pressure could be a precursor for far more serious conditions including strokes, heart attacks, heart failure or kidney disease. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80. But if it reaches up to 140 (systolic reading, the top number) or 90 (diastolic reading, bottom number) it could spell trouble. Having a magnesium-rich diet has been shown to help lower your blood pressure readings and reduce hypertension risk. What to eat?

Magnesium is a mineral which is critical for numerous bodily functions including high blood pressure regulation.

There is evidence that magnesium supplements work to lower blood pressure.  

Studies have found that participants who were administered 300-500mg of supplemental magnesium for two to three months have consistently shown improvements in blood pressure as compared with those on the placebo.

A 2016 study looked at 34 clinical trials which included over 2,000 people and found a strong link between magnesium intake and reduced blood pressure.

Researchers noted participants who took magnesium were found to have both lower blood pressure and improved blood flow.

Another study conducted by the University of Hertfordshire revealed that not only could magnesium help to reduce blood pressure, but the effect also increased in conjunction with increased dosage.

Meaning that the higher intake of magnesium, the greater the drop of blood pressure.

Dried beans, split peas, lentils, nuts and whole grains are all rich in magnesium.

Many of these could be added to your breakfast meal of either porridge or muesli.

By moderately snacking on a handful on nuts, you can also ensure you’re getting the required magnesium content needed for major health benefits.

Other foods rich in magnesium include dark chocolate, avocados, tofu, fatty fish and bananas.

Magnesium supplements

Adults need to get about 320mg (women) or 420mg (men) of magnesium daily for good health.

Researchers have reported benefits from a wide range of organic and inorganic formulations such as magnesium lactate and magnesium citrate.

Some professionals suggest magnesium taurate for lowering blood pressure because it contains the amino acid taurine, which can also reduce hypertension.

New research, published in the American Heart Association’s journal Hypertension, identifies magnesium as a potential remedy, noted Medical News Today.

The health site added: “Magnesium is already recognised as essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

“While there has been ongoing research into whether magnesium has a significant effect on high blood pressure, it has been widely documented to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, maintain a steady heartbeat, support a healthy immune system, and help bones to remain strong.”

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