1.This display that just might make you eat your veggies:
2.This produce aisle that somehow became a museum piece:
3.These drinks that know just how amazing they look:
4.These food cans that are too beautifully organized to touch:
5.These tomatoes that deserve to stay intact:
6.This La Croix display that’s giving us all sorts of gradient beauty:
7.This vegetable aisle that lets our eyes feast on every shade of green:
8.These perfectly organized veggies:
9.These bananas that are too good to be true:
10.These drink cans that are living their best life:
11.This carrot pile that doesn’t need to be this pretty, but is:
12.These cereal boxes that line up flawlessly:
13.These cranberries that you’ll just want to swim in:
14.These bell peppers that are literally smiling:
15.This newly opened grocery store:
16.These tomatoes that’ll make you feel good for no particular reason:
17.And finally, these plums that probably shouldn’t be touched since they’ll collapse and ruin the illusion:
H/T r/oddlysatisfying
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