1.The person who baked this sweet with a special treat.
2.The person who hopefully made this from their prison cell.
3.The person who is honestly just bragging at this point.
4.The person who needs to work on their empathy towards the aging process.
5.The person who came up with the incredible idea of a divorce cake.
6.The person who decided to make their intern shit themselves.
7.The person who has probably been yelled at by their roommate for this 10 million times.
8.The person who never quite got over the Rick Roll trend.
9.The person who wants to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.
10.The person who gave this Spongebob scene the moment it deserved.
11.The person who got straight to the point.
12.The person who took their instructions way too literally.
13.The person who always has sex on their mind.
14.The person who wasn’t too sad about their friend’s going away party.
15.The person who couldn’t hide their truth anymore.
16.The person who found the perfect way to incorporate their love of vacuums into a birthday cake.
17.And the person who thought a vasectomy called for a celebration.
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