Spot guide reveals what your pimples REALLY mean for your health – from weak lungs to heart disease – The Sun

EVERYONE is prone to getting acne – no matter your age.

And breakouts are even more likely at this time of year, thanks to the cold weather.

However, it turns out these acne breakouts are actually linked to specific organs – and can be a sign of more serious health problems.

One skin specialist has warned that if you're repeatedly getting breakouts in the same places, then it could be time to see a doctor.

Dr Rekha Tailor is one of Britain’s leading doctors and skin specialists, from Health & Aesthetics, and she's been revealing what could be causing you to break out in certain parts of your face.


When you go to touch a spot on your forehead, you usually find that your fingers get a fine shine of grease.

And that's because spots up top tend to be caused by an imbalance of oil production – and that can be caused by what you're eating.

On top of this, breakouts above your eyebrows can also indicate issues with your stomach and bladder.

Dr Tailor says: "Breakouts on your forehead can be a sign of issues with your bladder and stomach, so it might be a good idea to look at what your eating and work on gut health.

"Probiotics can help, as can reducing sugar, alcohol and processed foods.

"If the problem persists you could consider intolerance or allergy testing to get to the root of the problem."

What to do:

  • eat more zinc-rich foods like sunflower seeds, shellfish and grass-fed red meat
  • avoid sugar and refined foods
  • try more fibrous or fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and yoghurts


Nose spots are all about clogged up pores, and they're often linked to your overall skin hygiene.

But general redness and dots around the centre of your face could be connected to hear-related blockages.

If you have high cholesterol it might be manifesting itself in the form of oily skin, which if not treated with a regular cleanser, toner and moisturiser, will block your pores.

Dr Tailor says: "This area of skin is full of dilated pores so it’s a good idea to make sure your make-up brushes and anything that you keep close to your nose clean.

"Check your blood pressure too as breakouts in this area can be indicative of high blood pressure.

"In Chinese medicine skin problems in this area were though to be linked to the cardiovascular system too, so they could be a reminder to improve your heart health with regular exercise and a healthy diet."

What to do:

  • eat more leafy greens
  • increase your omega 3 fatty acid consumption through oily fish and walnuts
  • keep your makeup brushes clean


Red pimples on your cheeks could be caused by rosacea, which in turn could be a result of a bacterial imbalance in your gut.

Dr Tailor says it may also be linked to respiratory issues – so it's not a bad idea to look at how well you're breathing.

She says: "Spots on the cheeks are often the most noticeable and the most tender, consequently causing the most distress (especially if you’re got a big night out or important meeting).

"They can be caused by too much meat, sugar or dairy.

"Whilst it’s important to maintain a balanced diet, making a food diary to track what you eat and the reaction your skin has can help you to eliminate the trigger foods.

"Your cheeks are also closely linked to your lungs – when you exercise they get red for example. So flare-ups in this area could also be a sign of a lack of oxygen or problems with the lungs."

What to do:

  • include more fibre into your diet – whole grains, fruits and veg
  • quit smoking if you're a smoker
  • make sure your phone is super clean


This is where your hormones take over.

Whether it's stress or PMT, jawline spots are often the most annoying because there's not a whole lot you can do…apart from trying to relax.

What to do:

  • eat foods that help balance hormones, such as broccoli and cabbage
  • try adding turmeric to your day, as well as garlic – both of which are supposed to offer hormonal support
  • get some rest


Stress and imbalanced hormones play a big role in why you get acne on your chin.

Dr Tailor says: "Acne on your chin and jawline is often hormone related, particularly in women.

"Hormones called androgens stimulate the production of sebum – the oil that clogs pores. "Acne is very common in teenagers because hormone production increases at this time.

"You may find your skin is worse in this area at certain times of the month, and it can be helped by keeping skin clean to balance oil, wearing SPF every day, and even considering a hydrafacial which is a non-surgical treatment that works on the different areas of the skin, cleansing, exfoliating and putting hydration back in."

What to do:

  • Wash your hands before touching your face after a day tapping at a keyboard at work or after you've been on public transport.
  • If you're dealing with full-blown cystic acne, then you're much better off going to see a dermatologist who can give you professional, tailored help.

Overall, Dr Tailor says that clear skin is best achieved and maintained by drinking as much water as possible, eating a healthy, balanced diet and making sure that you get enough shut-eye.

You can also find eight of the best blemish treatments here.

Try to make sure that anything and everything which comes into contact with your skin is clean.

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