The woman took to Mumsnet to ask if it’s a bad idea to link all of her kids’ names so they follow a particular theme.
Taking to the forum, she sought the advice of other mums and wrote: “Just curiosity really. My DC [darling children] both begin with e.
“I went to school with kids who began with v, Vincent and his triplet sisters verity, Valerie and veronica.
“A friend has children with gem themes. Girls are ruby and pearl, boys are Lennox and topaz.
“Also a woman who used to babysit my neighbours kids a few years ago was called storm, and she called her daughter kat and son rhyno!”
The idea of theming kids’ names, either by letter or meaning, wasn’t popular with some mums.
One wrote: “A very obvious theme is tacky.
“Names starting with the same letter is fine when it's two and doesn't look like the names were only chosen to match, e.g. spelling Chloe Khloe.”
And one said: “I think a theme is pretty naff, tbh. Especially if you end up calling a boy Topaz, just to fit the theme.”