There’s a rumor going around the Spanish tabloids that Prince Frederik had an affair

Spain’s King Felipe and Queen Letizia have been in Denmark this week for an official state visit. For the most part, Queen Margrethe has stayed out of the hosting duties, leaving Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary to do events with the Spanish king and queen. It’s worked out well, because the two royal couples are generational peers – Frederik is 55, Mary is 51, Letizia is 51, Felipe is 55. Mirror images. I also think Letizia and Mary both come across as hard-working fashionistas who understand that they need to be visible.

So, I was looking for a chance to run some of this week’s photos and just talk about fashion and stuff, but then this story broke in the European tabloids and even People Magazine has coverage (which is how I first saw it). Apparently, Hola is running a story insinuating that Frederik cheated on Mary with a Spain-based blonde. Hm.

According to Hola!, rumors of a romance surfaced after Spanish outlets published photos of Crown Prince Frederik with philanthropist, model and TV personality Geneveva Casanova during his private trip to Madrid. The outlet reported that the two toured a Picasso exhibit at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, walked through a park and had dinner together in the heart of the city. The outing reportedly came to be because a mutual friend who was originally set to accompany Frederik around Madrid got sick, and asked Casanova, who is an expert in Picasso art, to go in his stead.

Denying the buzz, Casanova told Hola!, “I flatly deny the statements that suggest a romantic relationship between Prince Frederick and me. Any statement of this type is not only completely untrue but also distorts the facts in a malicious manner. This is already in the hands of my lawyers, who will take care of the pertinent steps to protect my right to honor, truth and privacy.”

Danish news site states that Prince Frederik’s trip to Spain fell while his wife was in New York for United Nations Day. While Princess Mary’s N.Y.C. stay from Oct. 23 to 24 was announced by the Danish Royal House, Prince Frederik’s trip to Spain was not. reported that Casanova, who was born in Mexico and is based in Spain, previously had a royal romance of her own. The socialite was previously married to Cayetano Martínez, an Olympic equestrian and the current Duke of Arjona.

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary celebrated 19 years of marriage in May and first connected through an unexpected meet-cute.

[From People]

The most damaging part of the story is: “While Princess Mary’s N.Y.C. stay from Oct. 23 to 24 was announced by the Danish Royal House, Prince Frederik’s trip to Spain was not.” It would be one thing if Hola was making a mountain out of molehill about an attractive blonde escorting a Danish crown prince around in an official capacity during some kind of formal visit. But it sounds like Frederick flew to Spain, nothing was announced (at the time) and now people are only finding out about the trip because Hola had a tip about an affair with a friend of the guy who was originally supposed to take Fred to see some Picassos?? This is so random. I mean, well done if it’s all some kind of cover story, because the level of detail is bonkers.

Anyway, on Tuesday, Fred and Mary stepped out together on Tuesday night at the Glyptoteket Museum in Copenhagen. Mary wore a necklace with an “F” pendant. I guess she lost the “U” pendant!!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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