Two castaways are on the chopping block on episode 3 of ‘Survivor: David vs. Goliath,’ and the tension between them is higher than ever at tribal council. Here’s our recap!
This week’s episode of Survivor picks up after Jessica’s blindside, which caught Bi, Carl and Davie off-guard. Davie feels especially betrayed, because he thought Christian and Nick were his strongest allies. Meanwhile, Nick and Christian are VERY happy with the spot they’re in, as they fall right in between both alliances on their tribe (Bi, Carl and Davie and Gabby, Lyrsa and Elizabeth). Gabby becomes a quick target for Bi, who thought they were voting together before Gabby flipped.
At the Goliath camp, spirits are high. Not only have they been winning, but everyone seems to be on the same page — Natalie should get voted out if they have to go to tribal. John has other plans, though, and decides he may be able to use Natalie to further himself in the game, so he begins to make it his mission to help her stick around. A friendship is also forming between Mike and Jeremy, but Mike is admittedly a bit worried about getting too close, since Jeremy has proven he’ll play a very cutthroat game.
Paranoia seems to kick in quickly for Jeremy, who notices a lot of side conversations happening at his camp, and fears he’s the subject of them. He urges the Goliath tribe to stick together, rather than worrying about voting someone off when they’re not losing anyway. It doesn’t take long for Jeremy to do some scheming of his own, though: He’s worried about Kara and Dan’s close relationship, along with Dan’s hidden immunity idol, and lets some of his other tribe members know it. This puts a bit of a target on Jeremy’s back, as others are beginning to pick up on how hard he’s playing.
At the immunity/reward challenge, the competition comes down to the puzzle: It’s Natalie and Alison for the Goliath’s, against Christian and Gabby for the David’s. The David’s win, and afterward, Natalia, of the Goliath’s, makes it clear that she thinks Natalie, who insisted she take part in this challenge after sitting the last one out, is the reason why.
Natalie knows she’s on the chopping block, and she pleads to Jeremy to help her stick around. He admits to her that she probably won’t have much support if she tries to get people to vote her way, and urges her to start talking to others in camp. When she does that, though, he becomes paranoid, and they share some pretty bitter words. Meanwhile, Angelina recognizes that Jeremy is a threat, and, knowing that Natalie will be an easy “second out” anyway, she starts spreading the idea of shifting the vote from Natalie to Jeremy. It’s not so easy to convince others in camp, though, so it won’t be until tribal that we see for sure where everybody puts their votes.
It’s a clear battle between Jeremy and Natalie at tribal. He viciously calls her out for a lack of self awareness, and she fires back by saying that the way he spoke to her means he’s the one who’s not self aware. Other tribe members weigh in, and explain to Natalie that she made a few mistakes with how she spoke to people at the beginning of the game.
She tries to save herself by explaining that, since she’s a 57-year-old woman, she’s not a threat like Jeremy, and therefore shouldn’t be voted out. Jeremy says his piece, too, by explaining that they need stronger people than Natalie for challenges. He also warns the tribe that Natalie will turn on them at a tribe swap, which she strongly denies. Finally, the votes are read and Jeremy is voted out — unanimously.
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