Continuing the recent trend in thin-skinned celebrity overreaction to criticism, Miley Cyrus #tooktotwitter to express her extreme displeasure at a bad review for her latest EP “She Is Coming”. The review titled “Miley Cyrus’ ‘She Is Coming’ Is a Directionless Hot Mess Express” appeared in Highsnobiety. It gets 5 stars from me for the headline alone, but Miley feels otherwise and implored its author to suck her nuts.
Here’s what Miley had to say.
Thanks to Miley’s Streisand Effect heads-up, I read the review. Here’s the bit about Miley’s mom that seems to have stuck in her craw. I have to assume Tish’s name was initially misspelled but has since been corrected.
There’s a line in “Mother’s Daughter” that is extremely relevant for the worldwide fight for women to have autonomy over their bodies – “Don’t fuck with my freedom/ I came up to get me some.” Obviously a tribute to her mother, Tish, this song seems like it might have been rejected from the Captain Marvel soundtrack and with good reason. The thing is, Cyrus has more freedom and sexual liberation than the average person – her white privilege is on, dare I say, a nuclear level. Throughout the track, she goes so far as to identify as a freak, witch, Nile crocodile, and piranha.
Wow, Miley’s really sensitive about spelling errors! You’d think she’d bristle at getting called out on her white privilege, but since she didn’t have anything to say about that, I think we can all agree that this counts as a tacit agreement. I guess she’s done running from allegations of cultural appropriation, but she’s not backing down from this fight.
I think that stint as judge on Rupaul’s Drag Race has gone to Miley’s head. I wonder how she felt about her track “Cattitude” featuring RuPaul prompting this critique.
The image that came to mind when I listened to this song is that clip of Cyrus foolishly attempting to death drop on a stage in London to RuPaul and Todrick Hall’s “Dem Beats.” Truly impossible to forget.
Here’s that flop in case you missed it.
I haven’t listened to a single note on this album so I can’t say if this review is spot on, on the money, nailing it, or otherwise. But it does sound like some points have been made. I have spent the past hour cringing at Miley’s fan’s reactions to her tweet.
RuPaul, now go to your corner and think about what you’ve done.
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