Reality Television queen Kim Kardashian recently treated her Instagram fans and followers to a risque throwback picture on Tuesday which became an instant hit. The picture — which the 38-year-old bombshell revealed was taken during her 2018 Halloween fitting — featured her wearing a revealing white set of lingerie with elaborate white wings and a glittery-silver frame to be worn atop the lingerie set. She also donned a matching accessory for her neck.
For those who don’t know, Kim Kardashian and her sisters chose to dress up as Victoria’s Secret angels for one of their Halloween parties. The skin-revealing costumes had become instantly popular among her fans and followers who thanked the influencers for giving them a brilliant idea for upcoming theme parties. Kim had later decided not to go for the frame and the necklace.
In the pic, Kim revealed her amazing hourglass figure and flashed plenty of cleavage to send temperatures soaring, so much so that the post racked up 1.5 million likes within two hours of going live. That apart, fans and followers left close to 10,000 comments on the photo, most of which were highly complimentary in nature.
“You looks absolutely stunning, Kimberly, and you are an inspiration to me and a lot of other people. Thank you for what you do,” one of her fans wrote.
“Wow!!! That is gorgeous, doll! You look like a VS Barbie!” another one sent a message to Kim. And while most people showered the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star with compliments, there were many critics too, per usual, who didn’t appreciate Kim’s attire.
“Kim, this dress is not good at all, you ruined my perception [of] angles though,” one critic wrote, while another one opined that Kim’s outfit does “not [represent] a flattering look at all [because her] body looks terrible.”
Kim also posted a series of Instagram Stories and in one of them, she is featured standing in the gym, ready for some weight training. “6 a.m. booty day,” Kim wrote in the caption.
As the Inquisitr earlier reported, Kim always wakes up super early in the morning to workout and she doesn’t miss it even if she is sick. The article quoted Women’s Health Mag and revealed that the star performs a 90-minute exercise every day. Regarding her workout routine, Kim’s trainer, Melissa Alcantara, said the following.
“Kim’s schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6 a.m. Eighty-five percent of our training is weight training, and the other 15 is made up of cardio. Kim loves to work the back of her legs—the hamstrings and the booty! We’ll have one day entirely dedicated to abs. She’s super responsible, she never cancels—she’s the best client and athlete you can have.”
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