Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: No One Cares About You!

Last week, the world learned that Jenelle Evans is homeschooling her stepdaughter Maryssa.

We probably don't need to tell you that Teen Mom 2 fans had a field day with this information.

Among the most vocal critics was Jenelle's co-star Kailyn Evans, who openly shared the opinion of fans who felt Jenelle is not smart enough for such a venture.

Naturally, Jenelle pushed back against Kail's criticism as only she can.

But that as The Ashley's Reality Roundup points out, that hasn't stopped Ms. Lowry from doubling down on her opinion while discussing the matter on her podcast this week.

Needless to say, we don't think Jenelle is gonna love what Kail had to say this time around …

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