Jennifer Lopez is not here for your opinions on her engagement to or her relationship with Alex Rodriguez. Sure she puts that shit out on full display with couple endorsements and professionally photographed engagements, but mind your business! Yes, A-Rod has a history of being a down and dirty dawg, but he has changed! He is not the man he was before and JLo knows it! So the Jose Cansecos of the world can just eat it.
JLo did an interview on The Breakfast Club this morning and talked about her engagement to A-Rod. J-Rod is going strong, and she wants you all to know it. When asked about the recent cheating rumors going on–which include Jose Canseco’s ex-wife denying his claims she had a fling with A-Rod, and a Playboy bunny saying A-Rod tried to get with her a mere weeks before popping the question to Jennifer–Jenny from The Block says to stuff it! She knows the real truth. via Us Weekly
“It doesn’t matter. I know what the truth is… I know who he is, he knows who I am. We’re just happy. We’re not gonna let other people come out and tell us what our relationship is; I know what our relationship is.”
JLo may know that A-Rod is all hers (she’s so certain thanks to the contract they signed which puts the date of their marriage ending in the year 2023 with potential for extension to 2023) but they aren’t rushing to the altar. JLo was also on Elvis Duran’s radio show yesterday, where she said this:
“We’ve vaguely talked about, like, ‘Oh, when do you think?’ and things like that, but nothing is set in stone… We’re not there yet.”
She also got really deep and talked about her life of music and why she still does the radio interviews and promotes that ish when she can just phone it in and sit in her all-white decorated palace eating caviar:
“I love music. I love making music, I love performing, it’s one of my greatest joys… I don’t know it’s just in my blood, it’s what I love… I mean that’s why I always did it. I never did it to like become rich or be famous, that was never the goal.”
Okay, JLo, then hand it over. Hand it over; you doing it for the love, sis, hand me the paycheck! You’ve got a man, you’ve got the love of dancing and singing, let me have something.
Here’s Jenny on The Breakfast Club:
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