Harvey Weinstein‘s accusers could walk away with less than $60,000 each as part of a tentative $44 million deal to settle a slew of civil suits brought against the serial sexual assaulter, The Post has learned.
The proposed deal struck in a Delaware bankruptcy court on Thursday would see more than $14 million of the settlement allotted to defendants’ legal fees and $8 million to plaintiffs’ legal fees, forcing alleged victims of the Hollywood producer to split whatever is left.
“It’s insulting,” one victim said of the settlement number. “It’s particularly insulting that he doesn’t even have to pay his own lawyer’s fees. He gets to walk away without any consequences.”
Sources familiar with the proposed settlement told said that 18 women in the US, UK and Canada with individual lawsuits will be given $500,000 each, leaving $9 million to be divided among the remaining 100 women who are part of a class action lawsuit.
That money will not be divided evenly, meaning some accusers in the class action could walk away with a lot less than $60,000, depending on factors such as their age or the severity of their claim.
“The defendants are using what could be victim funds to pay their legal fees despite many of them being billionaires,” a source familiar with the negotiations said.
Not a single dime of the damages will come from Weinstein’s pocket, with insurance companies for the Weinstein Co. and his movie house Miramax footing the bill.
Big Apple civil lawyer Lowell Sidney called the settlement “unfair.”
“It certainly appears to be a tone-deaf settlement in that wealthy co-defendants were compensated more than actual victims,” he said.
“I’m sure that it’s a kosher settlement where everything was done with the applicable laws and facts, however, at first glance, it seems unfair to those who have been subjected to Mr. Weinstein’s unwanted advances.”
The deal, if finalized, would settle a slew of civil lawsuits also involving the former film studio’s board members and the New York attorney general’s office.
Both the attorney general’s office and a spokesperson for Weinstein refused to comment on Friday.
The proposed settlement wouldn’t affect a criminal case pending against Weinstein in Manhattan where he is charged with rape and other sex crimes. He has pleaded not guilty and denied all allegations.
“Harvey Weinstein hasn’t paid a dime towards damages incurred by victims,” one source told The Post Thursday.
“A significant amount of this proposed settlement would be going right back into Harvey and Bob’s pockets, instead of remunerating victims.”
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