Demi Lovato’s backup dancer and choreographer Dani Vitale posted a long, emotional message on Instagram addressing how Demi’s reported overdose has impacted her life. The message states in the strongest of terms Dani’s assertion that she was not linked to, or responsible for, any drugs involved in Demi’s relapse. And Dani’s message also speaks out against the rumors and personal attacks that have been aimed at her on social media since Demi’s latest crisis began.
“I have NEVER touched nor even SEEN a drug in my entire life,” Vitale wrote in her message. “I DO NOT DO DRUGS, nor would I ever encourage, or supply them to anyone I love.”
In her message, Dani also pleads for people to understand some of the personal price she’s had to pay for the rumors that have circulated about her among some of Demi’s fans on social media.
[T]he circulation of an UNTRUE story on the internet yanked my life, my reputation, my name and everything that I have worked so hard to stand for, out from underneath me. A damaging narrative that demonized me, placed blame on me, and has since cost me so many wonderful moments in life.
Demi reportedly spent time celebrating Dani’s birthday with a large group of friends at a Los Angeles bar the night before the pop singer’s apparent overdose. However, there have so far been no facts linking Dani to Demi’s suspected drug use. In fact, recent reports have actually indicated the name of a man suspected of being Demi’s dealer, who allegedly brought drugs directly to Demi well after Dani’s party was over.
Dani’s full statement can be found below.
(Image source: Dani Vitale Instagram account)
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