Barack Obama played Santa at a children’s hospital in DC, visiting with sick kids and bringing them presents. Their reactions are so sweet. We dare you not to tear up while watching this!
What could be better than a visit from Santa Claus himself on Christmas? Barack Obama showing up with a bag of presents! The former president shocked and thrilled kids at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC, who unfortunately have to spend the holiday at the facility as they battle illnesses. Obama strolled into the hospital wearing a Santa hat and hauling a bag of presents to spread Christmas cheer to the sick children, and his visit clearly brightened their day. The hospital posted a beautiful video documenting his time with the kids, and it’s incredibly heartwarming.
It starts with Obama basically dancing into the hospital as the kids, doctors, and nurses are singing Christmas carols. They erupt into screams and cheers (and take out their phones, duh) when they realize who their special visitor was! The video then shows footage of Obama walking into kids’ hospital rooms, and their reactions are precious. One little girl, who has a cool pink streak in her hair, bursts into tears when she gets a hug from the former president. He definitely made her day. He gifted one ecstatic boy with a box full of dinosaurs, and chatted with tons of little kiddos.
Everyone knows how good Obama is with children, but it’s still truly remarkable seeing him interact with these brave little ones. He’s knows exactly what to do. For the younger children, there’s tons of playing, hugs, and high-fives. At one point, you see him having a respectful conversation with a young teen.
He gave a speech to staff, patients, and their families: “I’ve had a chance to talk to some of the wonderful kids and their families. At a time that is obviously tough for folks and as the dad of two girls, I can only imagine. In that situation, to have nurses, staff, doctors, and people who are caring for them and looking after them and listening to them and just caring for them and holding their hand, that’s the most important thing there is. What a great reminder of what the holiday spirit is supposed to be all about.” Amen!
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