Elon Musk’s quest to out Howard Hughes in the messy billionaire department continues apace. You’d think Elon, with all his investors and employees to answer to, would be a little more careful about the company he keeps but nah. Last week, with the help of his dirty girlfriend Grimes, Elon got himself embroiled in a bit of a situation which led to Azealia Banks camped out at his house, presumably trying to help out the maid by airing out his dirty laundry for him. Now come to find out, not only did Grimes invite the crazy right on into the mansion, she also causally dished about Elon’s big dick to her in a series of text messages. And somehow, against all rational thought and logic, Grimes thought that Azealia would keep that conversation confidential.
If these texts messages are to believed (and after all we’ve seen so far, I have no reason to doubt their veracity), by Grimes’ estimation, Elon has a big fat hog to go with that pork skin in his (Azealia’s words, not mine). And naturally, Azealia took screenshots of the messages and shared them with the world (via Instagram).
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