Art Attack host Neil Buchanan is unrecognisable 31 years after show

Art Attack host Neil Buchanan, 65, reveals salt and pepper hair and greying goatee in rare selfie.. 14 years after ditching kids TV for heavy metal band Marseilles

He co-created and presented the popular CITV show Art Attack, encouraging thousands of children to embrace their creative talents.

But Neil Buchanan, 65, looks totally different today from when he appeared on kids’ television.

The star – who ditched his broadcasting career in favour of his passion for music, rocking out with heavy metal band Marseille after Art Attack ended in 2007 – sports salt and pepper hair and white facial hair today.

Blast from the past: Art Attack host Neil Buchanan, 65, looks totally different today from when he appeared on children’s television from 1990-2007, sporting salt and pepper hair in 2021

Neil, who is married to wife Nicola, was actually a member of his band behind the TV scenes after forming it in Liverpool in 1976.

They released four albums and six singles before going their separate ways ahead of Neil’s Art Attack career, with the group reforming in 2009.

In September last year, Neil found himself the subject of a conspiracy theory as people believed he was the secretive artist Banksy.

Born to perform: Neil, who is married to wife Nicola, was actually a member of his band behind the TV scenes after forming it in Liverpool in 1976 (pictured 2017)

The rumour started on Twitter after a user of the site noticed Banksy’s work was popping up in the locations where Neil had performed with his band. 

However, the screen star denied this was the case in a statement on his website at the time.

It read: ‘We have been inundated with enquiries over the weekend regarding the current social media story.

Tall tale: In September last year, Neil found himself the subject of a conspiracy theory as people believed he was the secretive artist Banksy

‘Unfortunately this website does not have the infrastructure to answer all these enquiries individually, however, we can confirm that there is no truth in the rumour whatsoever.’

Neil was a regular in British households from 1990 to 2007 while appearing on Art Attack.

The artist taught viewers how to paint and draw cartoons, and also make things out of household objects. 

Speculation: The rumour started on Twitter after a user of the site noticed Banksy’s work was popping up in the locations where Neil had performed with his band

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