‘When on royal duties they are our royal family. The hand holding sends this ‘he’s all mine!’ message.’
An online gang of British moms have taken umbrage at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s touchy-feely behavior in public and have basically told the royal lovebirds ‘to get a room!’
The Brits prime themselves on their stiff upper lip and restrained code of conduct but it would see a gang of moms on the other side of the pond are getting a bit hot under the collar because Harry and Megs are holding hands in public.
Mumsnet is a hugely popular online forum in the UK for vocal moms who want to get something off their chest whilst remaining anonymous. Most recently their main topic of conversation has been the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
And it transpires that Harry and Meg’s legendary tactile ways and very public displays of affection are too much for some of the moms watching from the shadows.
The Daily Mail reports that one Mumsnet user snapped, “They are at work. And it’s not just holding hands is it – it’s clinging to the point where they look awkward.”
Prince Harry and his American bride are expecting to become parents for the first time in the Spiring so it’s only natural that the newly weds would be holding hands a lot and clinging to one another as they carry out their official duties.
Yet for whatever reason this is turning the stomachs of some moms. One who was particular upset a the young royals’ antics barked, “They’re not on a date, they’re carrying out official business! It makes me cringe.”
The negative comments seemed to open the floodgates and there was no putting the lid back on this particular can of worms as loads more moms chipped in with their grievances.
A lady going by the name of ‘Gucci Knickers’ chirped up with, “I’m with you op. The pair of then seem to think they’re featuring in a Calvin Klein ad. It’s all just a bit posey isn’t it. Just walk around shake hands with people. There’s no need to be hanging onto each other constantly.”
‘New mum with questions’ added solemnly that on official engagements ‘physical contact isn’t appropriate.’
‘Champion Quartz’ snarled, “I don’t get the need to be hanging on to each other all the time. Fair enough they’re newly married and she’s pregnant and it’s all bunnies and roses blah blah. But whether you agree or not, they are at work!”
And ’12 Free Range Eggs’ growled, “Yea it is starting to bug me too. I like Meghan but I feel that she is starting to come across a bit possessive. When on royal duties they are our Royal family. The hand holding sends this ‘he’s all mine!’ message.”
Other moms on the site defended Harry and Meg’s displays of affection with one asking the simple question, “Why would someone else holding hands bother you?”
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