Curious About Nose Piercings? Here's What a Pro Wants You to Know First

Curious About Nose Piercings? Here’s What a Pro Wants You to Know First

  • Piercing trends are here to stay, and there are tons of different types of piercings to choose from.
  • If you’ve been considering getting a nose piercing, you might have questions about the process and the after-care.
  • From piercing types, to cost, to avoiding infections, we tapped a pro to break it all down.

If you’ve found yourself here, you’ve probably been debating the idea of getting a nose piercing. Tons of questions are probably popping up, like how much a nose piercings cost and which side of your nose you should actually get the piercing on. Or, if you’re a seasoned piercing pro and you already have your nose pierced, you might be wondering how long it takes for a nose piercing to heal, how to clean your nose piercing, or when you can switch your nose piercing jewelry.

We reached out to Sam Hayler, senior piercer at Astrid & Miyu, to answer all of our burning nose piercing questions. The UK-based jewelry brand not only has a cult following on Instagram, but offers piercing services at a handful of its locations. So whether you’re a piercing veteran or currently debating taking the plunge, she’s answering all your burning questions ahead.

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