Bravo reality television show “Married to Medicine” follows the lives of a group of women connected to the world of medicine (via The Things). Some of the women are doctors, while others work on the administrative side of healthcare. Others are married to doctors or are friends of the cast members. As many of these women are successful in their respective fields in addition to the income bump they receive from participating in “Married to Medicine,” they have all accumulated a large net worth (though some are larger than others).
“Married to Medicine” has seen cast members come and go, leaving nine women to make up the current cast of Season 8. The group consists of Anila Sajja, Quad Webb, Jacqueline Walters, Contessa Metcalfe, Simone Whitmore, Toya Bush-Harris, Heavenly Kimes, Kari Wells, and Lisa Nicole Cloud (via People). Read on to learn more about how each of these women earns a living and learn who occupies the top spot as richest cast member on “Married to Medicine.”
How have the current Married to Medicine cast members made their fortune?
Anila Sajja is married to Dr. Kiran Sajja, an oculofacial plastic surgeon (via Bravo TV). She enjoys a career in fashion and as a social media influencer, turning her passion for all things creative into a source of income. Quad Webb, on the other hand, has two adorable pooches who served as the inspiration behind the launch of her own puppy couture clothing line Picture Perfect Pup (via Bravo TV). She has also written the best-selling cookbook “Cooking with Miss Quad: Live, Laugh, Love and Eat.” Jacqueline Walters is a successful board-certified OBGYN who devotes her life to the health of women (via Bravo TV). Up next is Contessa Metcalfe, another who found her calling in medicine (via Bravo TV). She specializes in occupational and preventative medicine.
Simone Whitmore shares Jacqueline Walters’ passion for improving the lives of women who come into her OBGYN practice (via The Things). Toya Bush-Harris is not only married to a successful doctor, but she also works in the family business, TBH Entertainment (via Bravo TV). Heavenly Kimes started her career as a dentist and has since added author and TV personality to her résumé. She is married to Dr. Damon Kime (via The Things). Kari Wells is director of her own medical realty company and is married to orthopedic surgeon Duncan Wells (via Bravo TV). Finally, Lisa Nicole Cloud is the CEO of Elite Marketing Strategies, Lisa Nicole Cloud Enterprises, and the Lisa Nicole Collection, and married to Dr. Darren Naugles (via The Things).
You won't believe the net worth of these Married to Medicine cast members
All of the “Married to Medicine” ladies are successful in some way or another. Most of them have a multi-million-dollar net worth, while two share the top spot as richest cast member. Both Lisa Nicole Cloud and Kari Wells have a whopping net worth of $8 million (via The Things).
Lisa made her money through a variety of sources, according to Celebrity Net Worth. She is a self-made millionaire and CEO of several successful companies. Her success even led to her being named one of the most powerful women in Atlanta by the Atlanta Business Journal. She returned to “Married to Medicine” in Season 8 after a multi-season hiatus (via Bravo TV). After she initially took a break from the show, Lisa explained in an interview with Rolling Out that she wanted to focus on her other businesses, which seems to have paid off.
“I didn’t quit the show, I’m taking on more of a part-time role because my clothing line is growing and I want the opportunity to focus on that and my other businesses,” she explained.
Kari shares Lisa’s good fortune and success as a businesswoman. The reality television star has earned her net worth of $8 million in part as CFO of her husband Duncan Well’s medical practice, Atlas Orthopaedics (via Celebrity Net Worth). In a piece she wrote for Bravo TV, Kari said of her job, “It keeps me very busy, but I enjoy what I do.”
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