DEAR DEIDRE MY five-year-old daughter has been a nightmare during lockdown with her endless strops and whingeing.
She had only just settled in when her school was closed.
She has had a lot happen. I split up with her dad when she was a baby and went to live with my mum.
My mum got divorced from my stepdad, so she had to downsize and we had to move again – and then again six months later.
My boyfriend moved in with me for lockdown. I am 27 and he is 26.
He is wonderful with my daughter and has his own son to stay with us at weekends.
He is three and gets on OK with my daughter but she often acts like a two-year-old with her moods and tantrums.
I feel at the end of my tether.
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DEIDRE SAYS: She’s feeling insecure. It takes enormous patience but try to stay calm when she acts up.
Don’t shout, don’t show irritation.
Hold her, if she’ll let you, and soothe her until she calms down.
If you feel your temper rising, walk away and count to ten.
She will take her lead from you and react more calmly if you do.
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