If you’re parenting during quarantine then you know more than anyone else that you’re alone time is precious. In tight living quarters, it can be especially difficult for family members to have their own space while everyone is home. One Reddit user wrote a post on Am I The Asshole (“AITA”) forum expressing her frustration over having to give up her she shed, even though her husband can have his man cave. “My husband has his man cave. It’s in the basement as well but NO ONE. Is allowed in. I’m only allowed in to clean (Yayy :/) Everyone has been happy with this arrangement for years. Until now,” she wrote.
Family tension rose to the surface when she started cleaning her dad’s old r-pod (mini trailer camper) and using it as her own space.
Ultimately, the husband doesn’t want his wife to have a space of her own. He went so far as to make their kids write her letters on why they should share that space. “Today my husband told my kids (4 youngest)to write me letters on why they should have my area. And they even (the little ones) started crying. I was so upset with my husband and my kids but I also feel so guilty,“ she wrote.
She pointed out that her kids have a pool, swing set, and many other spaces to utilize around the house. Why should they take the one corner of the house that has become necessary for her well-being?
“Everyone including my husband calls me ‘MEAN MOMMY,” she wrote before asking users if she’s the asshole. Um, no, this poor mom is not even a tiny bit of an asshole. Not the smallest asshole there is.
Now, the question remains, how can she convince her husband — and also re-educate her kids that she’s not being a “mean mommy” by needing personal space?
Just like the notion that moms don’t need their space, these stock photos of moms working from home are totally unrealistic.
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