The comedian, 34, who took part in the 2018 series, said his snog with Katya Jones, 30 – following a night out at the pub – sent his health and career into a downward spiral. When asked if his fall from grace had made him depressed, he said: “****ing hell.Yes, I was very, very depressed. Yes, I was extremely depressed. I mean, I’ve always had a bit of a problem with that, but nothing like this.”
However, Seann, who was living with his girlfriend, the actress Rebecca Humphries, at the time, admitted: “I brought it all on myself.” Seann was dumped by Rebecca, who’d he’d been with for five years, immediately after the photos were published.
In a series of posts on social media she famously lashed out at his “inappropriate, hurtful behaviour” at various points during their relationship.
Walsh later admitted that some of what he had put Rebecca through was a “form of abuse”.
And instead of Strictly boosting his career, as he’d hoped, his bookings for programmes like Michael McIntyre’s Big Show were withdrawn.
Meanwhile, Katya’s marriage to fellow dancer Neil Jones ended months after the snog in October 2018. In an interview with The Times, Walsh admitted that at his lowest point, he fell to the ground, screaming from a panic attack.
He was rescued by sympathetic passers-by who asked him: “Drunk or panic attack”? After the incident with Katya, he said he stopped sleeping, started chain-smoking and only went out at night when the streets were empty.
“I thought, ‘What does being on the front page of the tabloids every day do? Does that mean everyone recognises me? Do all these people hate me? Am I going to be attacked? “‘I don’t know how this works. Do they just hate me silently?
“Do they shout out at me? What happens?” The interview follows a tweet by Seann last month after Caroline Flack’s suicide, when he wrote he “was very nearly pushed there myself”. Caroline won Strictly in 2014 – without scandal.
Seann said the response to his tweet was overwhelmingly positive, adding: “I needed to do a lot of growing up. I had to learn about responsibility. You can tell from my actions that I wasn’t responsible and I was immature.
“You do something wrong, you do feel guilty about that. A lot of people will be able to relate to that part of it without having the spotlight on it.
“But being faced with the amount of hatred that was chucked my way, from every area of media, it got the better of me. It certainly got the better of me for most of last year.
“And I’m talking on a daily basis for most of the day.”
Seann had more bad news recently when his Same Again? tour, due to start next month, was postponed because of the coronavirus crisis. And his latest interview didn’t go down well in some quarters, with Good Morning Britain’s Piers Morgan tweeting yesterday: “Jeez, some celebrities right now need to just post a supportive message to the NHS, tell everyone to stay inside & shut the **** up.”
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