Coronavirus has so far infected more than 119,000 people and killed at least 4,290 as of March 11. The virus has spread like wildfire since December last year but psychic Krzysztof Jackowski believes the crisis could soon be over.
The psychic said during a live broadcast on YouTube he has an inkling the virus is about to peak.
Mr Jackowski even gave a specific date of the peak, saying the coronavirus and COVID-19 will soon start to weaken.
He said: “About this virus from the flu group, as I’m focusing the whole the time, it reminds me of onions.
“Onions provide safety. Even if we bite into a raw onion once a day and chew it and eat it, then it won’t harm us.
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“Remember, on March 17 the pandemic will start to weaken, it will start to subside.
“Anyway, maybe it is that way because every seasonal flu virus stops functioning sooner or later.
“It gives up, strains die out. I don’t know, I don’t know much about this but on March 17 this balloon will start to deflate.”
Despite Mr Jackowski’s bizarre claims, there is no evidence to suggest the coronavirus is about to blow over.
But the World Health Organization (WHO) is certain the virus is under control and will be dealt with in due time.
On Monday, March 9, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Its certainly troubling that so many people and countries have been affected, so quickly.
Remember, on March 17 the pandemic will start to weaken, it will start to subside
Krzysztof Jackowski, Psychic
“Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the pandemic has become very real.
“But it would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled.
“The bottom line is, we are not at the mercy of this virus.”
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The novel coronavirus strain was first detected in China’s Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
Outside of mainland China, the virus has taken a heavy toll on South Korea, Italy and Iran.
In Europe, countries with high numbers of infected also include France, Germany and Spain.
In the UK, at least 382 people were tested positive for COVID-19 on March 11.
The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system with flu-like symptoms and pneumonia.
The pathogen is spread on tiny droplets of bodily fluids that are related when coughing or sneezing.
Dr Ghebreyesus said: “Of the four countries with the most cases, China is bringing its epidemic under control and there is now a decline in new cases being reported from the Republic of Korea.
“Both these countries demonstrate that it’s never too late to turn back the tide on this virus.
“The rule of the game is: never give up.”
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