A snowball’s chance in hell would have been a point of aspiration for the latest Catfish couple — yet, somehow, their tale became one of the show’s unlikeliest success stories.
The journey began when Nev and Kamie got in touch with a 20-year-old Vegas choreographer named Aaliyah, a virgin who’d fallen for a Baltimore native and aspiring performer and model named Jaquan. Aaliyah said she slid into Jaquan’s DMs one day after catching his photo in her Instagram feed, and while they’d been in constant communication since then, red flags abounded.
First, Jaquan — whose feed was flooded with selfies — had never sent Aaliyah a photo directly. Further, each time she’d tried to arrange a face-to-face visit, he’d bail. In addition, he’d yet to commit to a single Facetime call. And finally, when Aaliyah gave Jaquan a heads-up about the Catfish investigation, he’d responded: “If you’re trying to meet me, I don’t want to be on a show.”
But Nev and Kamie were undeterred and began investigating, swiftly uncovering Jaquan’s Facebook page (he insisted to Aaliyah he’d never made one). Not only was his profile host to photos Aaliyah had never seen, it found Jaquan routinely soliciting sex via status updates and having graphic subconversations with commenters.
With few routes to take, Aaliyah simply cold-called Jaquan and delivered an ultimatum: Either he could meet the group the next day, or the relationship was over. And, at long last, it seemed Jaquan understood what was at stake and agreed to meet.
“I’m scared,” he said. “I hope you’re not disappointed. I wanted to do it on my own terms.”
And he did. After keeping the group waiting for hours, he finally showed his face — the face that, indeed, was the one in the photos. The it’s-really-him Jaquan, however, was shaking like a leaf, immediately validating Aaliyah’s suspicions of why he’d been hesitant to meet: He was simply too nervous and skeptical of online dating.
Jaquan went on to say that he felt a particular type of pressure to treat Aaliyah respectfully considering her virginity and insisted the lewdness on his Facebook profile was “just for fun.”
“I really don’t show my feelings… I’m scared to get my heart broken,” he said. “I’m insecure in person.”
And while Aaliyah was blinded by her infatuation, Kamie tried to urge her to think critically. “How much love are you getting?” Kamie asked, encouraging her to consider that — if it weren’t for Catfish — Jaquan might not have ever agreed to meet.
Still, Aaliyah wasn’t ready to let go of her fairy tale and, after warning Jaquan that he was on thin ice, finally got him to say in explicit terms that he only had eyes for her.
“I’m trying to be with you,” he said, agreeing to look into the very real possibility of moving to Los Angeles with Aaliyah so that the two could pursue their dreams in tandem.
But will Jacquan really relocate, and will the couple’s love last? Tell us your thoughts, then be sure to catch another Catfish Wednesday at 8/7c!
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