This Is How Barry Is Handling The Aftermath of Oliver’s Death When ‘The Flash’ Returns

The Flash is returning tonight (February 4) and Barry is dealing with Oliver’s death.

In the all new episode, “Marathon”, after The Citizen prints an explosive story, Iris’s (Candice Patton) life is threatened. Refusing to hide from those that are attacking her, Iris sets out to expose a dangerous organization. Meanwhile, Barry (Grant Gustin) must face the consequences of the Crisis and fulfill Oliver Queen’s wish for him.

The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace opened up about how Barry is dealing with Oliver’s death.

“He is ready to enjoy life with gusto. He’s so happy to have a second chance, as we are all,” he told TV Guide. “There’s also, I think, a little bit of survivor’s guilt leftover from Oliver’s death. Oliver didn’t make it out of Crisis. He was the only one, and that’s going to haunt Barry just a little bit.”

“The way you cope with tragedy is holding on and embracing the loved ones in your life and celebrating them,” Eric added. “I think that’s a lesson that Barry will have to kind of relearn over the course of graphic novel number two and this whole season, and that’s where his head’s at when we kick off with our premiere.”

The Flash airs TONIGHT (February 4) at 8/7c on The CW!

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