Lucy (played by Kate Micucci) was first introduced to The Big Bang Theory back in season six as Raj’s (Kunal Nayyar) new love interest in the show. The extremely shy and awkward young woman first met Raj at a singles event at the comic book shop before their romance developed. Viewers last saw her in season 10, but why didn’t she return again?
What happened to Lucy on The Big Bang Theory?
The Big Bang Theory was well known for featuring many guest stars over its 12 seasons on CBS.
However, perhaps one of the most beloved was Raj’s girlfriend Lucy, who first made it onto the scene back in season six.
Viewers will remember she was introduced in the episode The Tangible Affection Proof.
She was part of a Valentine’s Day singles event at the comic book store held for people without a date.
Lucy and Raj first meet in a particularly awkward and romantic exchange before agreeing to go for a date.
Their relationship then developed throughout the rest of the season as they both struggled to deal with their own social anxiety.
However, at the end of the series it all became too much for Lucy as she broke it off with Raj.
This came after she reveals she finds the relationship too much and she can’t meet his friends.
Fans did see some more of the character as the series went on when she returned in season seven to offer Raj some closure over the break-up.
The last fans saw of her was in season 10 when she makes a reappearance along with a number of Raj’s other ex-girlfriends.
She returned along with Emily (Katie Leclerc), Emily (Laura Spencer) and Claire (Alessandra Torresani) and revealed that while she is still dealing social anxiety, she does have a boyfriend.
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Why did Kate Micucci leave The Big Bang Theory?
While she never gave an exact reason for her departure from the series, it seems to mainly be because her character’s storyline came to an end.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter about playing Lucy, Micucci revealed she didn’t know if she would become a series regular when she first appeared.
She said: “I don’t know what the next step is. They thought of me for Lucy because I auditioned for Amy years ago, and they liked and kept me in the back of their minds.
“When this character came up, that’s how I ended up playing Lucy. I’m so excited to be playing this role.
“When I first read the scene where she goes back to apologise to Raj — and this is going to sound dorky, but when I get excited, I dance.
“I did a dance in my apartment because I was so excited to get to play something with such heart that is so funny. It’s been a dream to do scenes with Kunal.”
While she only returned a few more times, the star does seem of have a lot of love for her fellow cast members, posting on Instagram when the series came to an end.
The image featuring her, Laura Spencer and Kunal Nayyar was captioned: “Raj and 2 of his girlfriends. We love you @kunalkarmanayyar! Was so much fun celebrating the Big Bang Theory last night.
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“Congrats to everyone on 12 incredible seasons! Was a thrill to be a part of it.”
Aside from her role on the CBS comedy, Micucci is also one half of comedy music duo Garfunkel and Oates.
She’s also starred as Stephanie Gooch in Scrubs, Shelley in Raising Hope and just this year made an appearance on Supergirl.
The Big Bang Theory is available to stream on Netflix now.
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