How Parents Need to Use Crystals, According to a Witch

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Which crystals are good for parents & when?

Rose quartz for baby bath time: My favorite way to wind down after putting my daughter to bed is with a hot bath with crystals, and you can easily use crystals with your littles in the tub too (keeping safety in mind, of course). Adding gemstones to bath water is a great way you and your kiddos can receive their healing effects. My favorite bath-time stone is rose quartz, which is said to promote balance in the heart chakra and help us cultivate feelings of love toward ourselves and in relationships. This stone has a cooling, calming energy that works gently to help the user attune to compassion and empathy.

Black tourmaline for elusive sleep: Sleep is a hot commodity in my house and for many new parents. I like to use crystals to help promote a feeling of peace and relaxation before bed and while my daughter and I sleep; I put small stones under my pillow (not hers!) or place larger ones on my nightstand or my daughter’s dresser. Black tourmaline is a grounding and protective stone that is said to repel and transmute negative energy. It helps to ease tension and anxiety — this is one of my favorite stones to work with.

Clear quartz for hydration: Let’s face it. Some days, there is just no time for meditating and luxurious baths, and you’re lucky if you can just survive the day and get the littles fed and do what you need to do. But even if you can’t manage anything extra in terms of self-care, you still need to drink water (especially if you’re breastfeeding). On days like these, you can get the benefits of your favorite gemstones in that very drinking water.

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