16 Grandmas Who Are Not Having Their Best Day

1.This grandma who lost her glass eye:

2.This grandma who didn’t realize she was feeding the cats chocolate cereal:

3.This grandma who fell into her granddaughter’s crib…and 36 million people saw it:

4.This grandma who forgot how to make a car stop and go:

5.This grandma who is upset she isn’t winning the game:

6.This grandma who got caked in the face:

7.This grandma who didn’t realize her gift tag read “cunt”:

8.This grandma who blew out her teeth trying to blow out her birthday candles:

9.This grandma who went the whole day not knowing her shoes didn’t match:

10.This grandma who had to pretend her granddaughter’s makeover looked amazing:


11.And this grandma who had to pretend her granddaughter’s makeover didn’t make her look like a clown:


12.This grandma whose found out her grandson only thinks of her at cemeteries:

13.And this grandma who got dominated by a dog:


14.This grandma who saw her grandkid’s social media posts and got very offended:

15.This grandma who tried to take her daughter out for ice cream, but locked the keys inside the house:


16.And then this grandma who was eventually able to just laugh about her very bad day:

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