Selma Blair has been very open about how her battle with Multiple Sclerosis has affected her life, sharing the ups and downs on Instagram. She has also been open about sharing the ways her nine-year-old son, Arthur, has been there for her on the journey. Blair recently shared some of the ways Arthur has been a source of inspiration for her in an interview with People magazine.
“He’s had to endure a lot; he’s seen a lot,” she told the magazine, referencing times he may have had to see her fall down stairs or rush to a bathroom if she felt sick. But Arthur’s own take on it shows wisdom beyond his years:
“He says, ‘Mommy’s not sick. Mommy’s brave,’” she explained.
Blair has also written about how being a mother to Arthur has helped her in some of her darkest moments of fear, exhaustion, and pain. For Arthur’s birthday on Thursday, July 25, she shared memories of his birth and paralleled them with her current experiences with M.S.
After being pressured into inducing, Blair was in labor for 37 hours. She remembers how she had to fire a doctor who wanted to pressure her into a C-section, and already felt protective over her yet-unborn son. After that grueling process, Arthur’s father cut the cord and told Blair ” Jason [Arthur’s father] cut the cord and said he looked like me. And now my kid can cut his moms hair and make jokes and assure me just by being him that I am good enough,” she writes. Her recent hair loss, while not a direct side effect of M.S., could be a side effect of the treatments she has been undergoing to treat it.
While she also revealed she was sad to not be with Arthur on his birthday, a follow-up post gives hints as to why. Her next post was a photo of her leaving the hospital. In it, she posts her first Instagram picture with her newly shaved head. She also wrote about her most recent treatment, which means she will be immunocompromised for the next three months as a side effect. But the rigorous treatment, and what it could mean for her well-being, while still far from over, is “the best gift I could give to Arthur.”
While the latest treatment means she will be immunocompromised for the next three months, she
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