If it were up to parents alone, kids’ summer break might last less than a quarter of the time it does in many places now.
In a recently resurfaced survey conducted by OnePoll for Groupon in June 2018, 58 percent of the 2,000 parents polled said summer was a time when they stressed about keeping their kids busy and entertained, and 75 percent admitted that they were ready for their children to go back to school when summer was over.
The survey also found that parents were ready for kids to go back to school after just 13 days of summer vacation — a far cry from the two or three months they usually get now.
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Groupon’s head of things to do, Brian Fields, said in a statement regarding the survey results that “Parents love spending time with their kids, but it’s totally normal to experience some stress and anxiety when planning all the fun that you’re going to have together this summer.”
“The parents we interviewed said they’ve found the most success by not overthinking the situation and turning to affordable activities in their local community,” he added.
Some of those activities, the study’s participants shared, could involve camping, going to the zoo or going to an amusement parks. And for hot days, there’s bowling, the movie theater and water parks.
“It’s summertime and you gotta find your kids something to do,” actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish — a Groupon spokesperson at the time — said in a radio ad surrounding the survey, hilariously adding, “Because an energetic kid with too much free time can land you in small claims court.”
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