Growing up just an hour southwest of Disney World, I’ve been a Disney lover my entire life, and spent much of my childhood through adolescence with an annual pass to the theme parks. I also grew up with super strict parents who wouldn’t let me watch TV, so Disney movies were pretty much the only thing I was allowed to watch. These two things combined gave way to me becoming something of a Disney expert. I can proudly tout off random facts about my favorite movies, and even better, I keep a list of underrated Disney song lyrics for captions in my back pocket at all times.
I love introducing fellow Disney lovers to my favorite songs from soundtracks they might not know, or may have slipped their mind. If you’ve already quoted "Hakuna Matata" in all of your pics about living your best life with no worries, I have you covered (even though that is a downright amazing song). Want the perfect song to quote for your engagement pics, but don’t want to use a lyric from "Beauty and the Beast" again? There’s something for you on this list.
I’m pretty proud of all of these selections, and I hope you love them just as much as I do. If reading through this list gives you a little nostalgia, I compiled all of the songs into a Spotify playlist for your listening pleasure. Enjoy, and don’t forget to be "true to your heart."
1. "Somewhere Out There" From An American Tail
Callout Lyrics: "Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight / Someone’s thinking of me and loving me tonight"
Why You Should Know It: Fievel is an American hero, don’t @ me. An American Tail is a story about mice, moving from a country in search of a better life in America — and if that’s not enough to bring you to tears, I don’t know what is. "Somewhere Out There" is a beautiful song about wishing you could be with the people you love, so use it for pics with your family or friends you haven’t seen in a while.
2. "When She Loved Me" From Toy Story 2
Callout Lyrics: "Everything was beautiful / Every hour spent together lives within my heart"
Why You Should Know It: I think that social media has made way for this song to get the recognition it truly deserves, but I still thought it was an appropriate addition to this list. It’s from the part of the movie where Jessie is describing her relationship with her past owner, Emily, and it is truly heartbreaking. This song makes a beautiful caption if you’re posting about someone you’ve lost.
3. "Once Upon a Dream" From Sleeping Beauty
Callout Lyrics: "You’ll love me at once / The way you did once upon a dream"
Why You Should Know It: Who doesn’t want to randomly meet a Prince or Princess Charming and fall deeply in love? Just me? I think there are a ton of snippets from this song that would make beautiful captions for wedding photos, or just other super sweet and loving pics with your boo.
4. "Little Wonders" From Meet the Robinsons
Callout Lyrics: "Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate / Time falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remain"
Why You Should Know It: The message of Meet the Robinsons is "keep moving forward," which is really the kind of motivation I need in my life. I think that this song is perfect for anyone who’s moving on from a monumental point in their life, like graduating high school or college, moving to a new city, or starting a new job.
5. "Candle On the Water" From Pete’s Dragon
Callout Lyrics: "I’ll be your candle on the water / Till every wave is warm and bright / My soul is there beside you"
Why You Should Know It: Talk about the ultimate friendship song. Maybe your friendship isn’t with a dragon, but your bestie is just as fierce as one. You might not have remembered this song from the movie, but it’s a great one that you should definitely be singing along to.
6. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" From Peter Pan
Callout Lyrics: "Think of the happiest things / It’s the same as having wings"
Why You Should Know It: I think it’s safe to say that every Disney lover has heard this song at some point, and maybe you even know most of the words. What I think is underrated about it is its message. It’s super inspirational and makes you happy just reading the lyrics, so use this song for captions of you whenever you’re feeling all the good vibes.
7. "I 2 I" From A Goofy Movie
Callout Lyrics: "Maybe love is a reason why, for the first time ever, we’re seein’ it eye to eye"
Why You Should Know It: All in all, A Goofy Movie is the best, and I think people need to know this song because it’s a bop. It’s a fun song themed around coming together and joining forces to create a happier, more peaceful community. How beautiful is that? Plus, the beat is just so much fun, it’s impossible to not dance to it.
8. "Almost There" From The Princess and the Frog
Callout Lyrics: "Trials and tribulations, I’ve had my share / There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now ’cause I’m almost there"
Why You Should Know It: Many millennials know the struggle of getting so close to achieving their goals but feeling like they still have so much further to go, and Tiana says it best in this song. If you’re #hustling and all of your hard work is about to pay off, this song should totally be your jam, if it isn’t already.
9. "The Bare Necessities" From The Jungle Book
Callout Lyrics: "Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities / Forget about your worries and your strife"
Why You Should Know It: This song and "Hakuna Matata" remind me of one another, and the messages of the two songs are very similar. Everyone needs a song that helps them unwind, so consider choosing these lyrics from "The Bare Necessities" for your next chill Instagram post.
10. "I See the Light" From Tangled
Callout Lyrics: "All at once everything looks different now that I see you"
Why You Should Know It: I think that this song ranks near the top among the most beautiful Disney love songs ever, and it never fails to bring me to tears when I hear it at a wedding. Because it’s still relatively new, I figured it was worth a mention on this list.
11. "Two Worlds" From Tarzan
Callout Lyrics: "Somewhere, something is calling for you / Two worlds, one family / Trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we see"
Why You Should Know It: Phil Collins really crushed it with the whole Tarzan soundtrack, but I think this song may be overlooked when compared to some of the more popular songs on the soundtrack. I love that this one talks about blending two worlds within one person, because people do that all the time. I know I’ve said it before, but this one also works for weddings, with two families coming together to become one.
12. "Out There" From Hunchback of Notre Dame
Callout Lyrics: "What I’d give, what I’d dare / Just to live one day out there"
Why You Should Know It: I think this is a great song about fantasizing about your goals (even though the actual premise of the song is pretty dark). You can use these lyrics as a caption for wanting to head off to college, move to a new city, or make a major change in your life.
13. "True To Your Heart" From Mulan
Callout Lyrics: "Open your eyes, your heart can tell you no lies / And when you’re true to your heart / I know it’s gonna lead you straight to me"
Why You Should Know It: A collab between 98 Degrees and Stevie Wonder was one that I never knew I needed, but I’m so glad it exists. In my opinion, the Mulan soundtrack gifted us with some of the best Disney songs ever ("I’ll Make A Man Out Of You" is such a jam.), and this one is no different. Because it plays during the credits of the movie, I think people may forget about it. It’s a song about being "true to your heart," and I think we can all use that reminder every once in awhile.
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