Bride furious after sister-in-law ate her wedding meal when she went to the loo

After confronting the food-pincher about her dinner, the sister-in-law freely admitted that she had indeed eaten the food, thinking that the bride must have had enough because she was ‘dieting’.

‘I was speechless, she’s stood there with a smug look on her face, my husband’s sat there looking sheepish, I explained to her I’d simply gone to the toilet and she said, “oh sorry, well there’s still dessert I guess” and walked off!’

Given that the wedding dinner is supposed to be one of the most special meals you will ever eat, you have to wonder why the groom didn’t step in to stop his cheeky sister from wolfing it down.

‘Asked my husband why the hell he let her sit there and eat my food and he turns bright red and said he thought I’d finished too. Great. Fuming,’ added the bride.

‘Didn’t want to kick off on my wedding day and make a scene so sat back down in front of my empty plate, looking longingly around the room at the people eating slowly who hadn’t yet finished and pretended everything was OK.’

The bride asked other Mumsnet users if she was being unreasonable for feeling angry about this, but, in the now deleted thread, loads of people jumped to her defence.

‘No you are not being unreasonable and I can’t believe she wasn’t embarrassed at all. That’s so awful,’ said one.

‘I would be furious!! Who does that?’ added another.

Of course, you don’t want to cause a scene at your own wedding – but when it comes to matters of food, you certainly don’t want a hangry bride.

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