Sun has 17,500°F showers of cooling gases in tiny magnetic loops

The 17,500°F plasma rain that falls on the surface of the sun as part of heating and cooling cycle is caught on camera for the first time

  • Expert studied years’ worth of pictures of the sun taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft
  • Coronal rain is made of once-superheated, electrically-charged gases cooling and falling back onto the star 
  • The phenomenon was found in a small, previously overlooked type of magnetic loop on the sun’s surface
  • Discovery reveals that heated region of sun’s outer atmosphere is narrower than had been previously thought 
  • Findings suggest a new way for plasma to escape the sun’s magnetic field lines and form part of the solar wind

They say not to stare at the sun – but for a whole five months, physicist Emily Mason spent every day doing nothing but that, by examining images taken of our star’s surface.

Ms Mason and her colleagues have found parts of the sun where superheated gases cool to fall back down onto the star’s surface as a form of rain.

The findings create a link between two of the sun’s biggest mysteries – the nature of the heating which causes the sun’s outer atmosphere to be around 300 times hotter than its underlying surface, and the source of the slower and denser parts of the solar wind.

Researchers studied previously-overlooked small magnetic structures (pictured, here, in two wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light) that loop out from the sun’s surface. The discovery of rain in the smaller magnetic loops has helped to narrow down the region in which coronal heating must be taking place

The sun is an enormous ball of plasma – super hot, electrically-charged gases – from which arc magnetic field lines that form giant fiery loops into space.

The notion of rain on the sun may seem absurd – but the familiar weather phenomenon is a great analogue for some of the processes that take place on the surface of our neighbourhood star.

On the Earth, rain is a key part of the water cycle. Liquid water on the Earth’s surface – whether found pooled in rivers, lake or oceans – evaporates when heated by energy from the Sun. After rising into the atmosphere, water cools, condensing into clouds.  

When the water droplets in clouds become too heavy to remain suspended in the air, they fall back to the Earth as rain. And thus, the cycle repeats. 

On the sun, coronal rain works in a similar fashion, explains Ms Mason. ‘But instead of 60-degree water you’re dealing with a million-degree plasma,’ she said.

However, rather than pooling on the ground, the plasma runs along magnetic loops that extend out in arcs from the sun’s surface.

At the end of each loop, where the lines emerge from the star’s surface, plasma is super-heated up from a few thousand to more one million degrees Celsius (1.8m°F)

The heated plasma expands up its loop until it gathers at the apex – furthest from the source of the heat – where is can cool, condense and fall back down the loop as coronal rain. 

Coronal rain had been previously observed in the wake of solar eruptions, where the heating associated with a solar flare cuts off abruptly, leaving erupted plasma to cool and fall back onto the sun’s surface. 

Based on computer simulations and past observations of the solar wind, Ms Mason had been expecting to also find coronal rain in so-called ‘helmet streamers’ – magnetic loops millions of miles tall that stick out from the sun during solar eclipses.

Helmet streamers are so named because of their semblance to a knight’s point helmet. 

Scientists have known since the mid-nineties that helmet streamers are one source of the slow solar wind – the relatively sedate and dense stream of gas that escapes the sun independently of its faster-moving counterpart.

Measurements of the gas in the slow solar wind had show that it had once been heated to an extreme degree before it cooled and escaped out from the sun.

As coronal rain would undergo similar heating and cooling, it had seemed likely that such rain would play a part in the activity along helmet streamers and the resulting formation of the slow wind.

At the same time, as simulations predict that coronal rain can only form when heat is applied to the very bottom of the host magnetic loop – the lower 10 per cent, or less – identifying the size of a loop containing rain would provide a form of measuring rod to determine the limited region above the sun’s surface in which the corona gets heated.

The search for coronal rain in helmet streamers, therefore, was on.

Ms Mason studied images taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory – a spacecraft which has been photographing the sun every twelve seconds since it was launched back in 2010.

However, she spent almost half a year searching for coronal rain in helmet streamers without avail.

‘I probably looked through three or five years’ worth of data,’ Ms Mason said. ‘It was a lot of looking for something that never ultimately happened.’

Coronal rain (pictured in this image taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2012) had previously been observed in the wake of solar eruptions, when the heating associated with a solar flare cuts off abruptly, causing the plasma to cool and fall back on the sun’s surface. In the new study, Ms Mason and colleagues were not looking at coronal rain from such eruptions, but instead those caused by the cyclical process of heating and cooling of plasma along magnetic field lines

Instead, Ms Mason kept finding coronal rain in other magnetic structures – tiny loops only 30,000 miles (48,000 km) high, a mere per cent of the size of the helmet streamers she had been intending to concentrate on.

‘They were really bright and they kept drawing my eye,’ said Ms Mason. “When I finally took a look at them, sure enough they had tens of hours of rain at a time.’

However, being focused on her objective of locating rain in helmet streamers, she initially dismissed these findings – until colleagues realised that her observations were quite novel. 

‘She came to group meeting and said, “I never found it — I see it all the time in these other structures, but they’re not helmet streamers,” ‘ said solar scientist and paper co-author Nicholeen Viall.

‘And I said, “Wait…hold on. Where do you see it? I don’t think anybody’s ever seen that before!” ‘ 

The discovery of rain in the smaller magnetic loops has helped to narrow down the region in which coronal heating must be taking place.

‘We still don’t know exactly what’s heating the corona, but we know it has to happen in this layer,’ said Ms Mason.

Some of the findings forced the researchers to reconsider previous theories, too.

It had been thought that coronal rain can only form on closed magnetic loops – where the superheated plasma can gather at the far end of a loop and cool without any means of escape.

However, as Ms Mason studied the data on the small loops, she also found cases where rain appeared to be forming on open magnetic field lines.

Such open lines are only anchored to the sun at one end – with the other extremity reaching out into space, feeding the solar wind. 

Plasma, the researchers now suggest, always begins it journey on a closed magnetic loop – but can switch to an open loop through a process known as magnetic reconnection. 

Reconnection occurs frequently on the Sun, happening when closed loops bump into open field lines, changing the ways the field is lain out.

Like train switching tracks, superheated plasma can thus find itself on on open loop – meaning that on cooling some of it will inevitably fall back on to the sun as coronal rain, but the rest is free to escape.

This, the scientists suggest, is how part of the slow solar wind is released.

Mason hunted for coronal rain in helmet streamers like the one pictured on the left of the sun, as seen during a 1994 eclipse photographed from South America. Helmet streamers extend far into the sun’s faint corona. A smaller, ‘pseudostreamer’ can be seen on the right hand side of the image

Ms Mason is working on creating a computer simulation to support this new explanation.

Further evidence may come from the Parker Solar Probe, launched in 2018, which will be able to fly though burst of the slow solar wind and trace its origin point on the sun – such as, perhaps, one of Ms Mason’s coronal rain events.

‘Potentially we can make that connection with Parker Solar Probe and say – that was it,’ said Dr Viall.

Despite these fortuitous findings, the search for coronal rain in helmet streamers carries forth – with simulations still predicting that the two phenomena should be found together.

“Maybe it’s so small you can’t see it?” muses paper author and solar physicist Spiro Antiochos, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He admits: “We really don’t know.” 

The full findings of the study were published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.   


The sun and its atmosphere are made of plasma – a mix of positively and negatively charged particles which have separated at extremely high temperatures, that both carries and travels along magnetic field lines.

Material from the corona streams out into space, filling the solar system with the solar wind. 

But scientists found that as the plasma travels further away from the sun, things change. 

Views of the solar wind from NASA’s STEREO spacecraft (left) and after computer processing (right). Scientists used an algorithm to dim the appearance of bright stars and dust in images of the faint solar wind

The sun begins to lose magnetic control, forming the boundary that defines the outer corona – the very edge of the sun. 

The breakup of the rays is similar to the way water shoots out from a squirt gun.

First, the water is a smooth and unified stream, but it eventually breaks up into droplets, then smaller drops and eventually a fine, misty spray. 

A recent Nasa study captured the plasma at the same stage where a stream of water gradually disintegrates into droplets.

If charged particles from solar winds hit Earth’s magnectic field, this can cause problems for satellite and communication equipment.

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