In case you were too busy popping bottles of champagne while ringing in the new year, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reportedly expecting their fourth child via surrogate. Yes, fam, another Kardashian baby is seemingly on the way! It’s not known whether or not the reported surrogate will be the same woman who Kim and Kanye chose to carry and give birth to Chicago West back in January 2018. Elite Daily reached out to the couple’s teams for comment on the pregnancy reports but did not hear back by the time of publication. If the reports are true, then I, for one, am beyond excited, and these tweets about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s reported fourth baby prove that the world is equally pumped.
According to a report from People in August 2018, Kim told the site that they weren’t "in a huge rush" for a fourth child. An inside source said, "They have absolutely talked about trying for another baby with the help of a surrogate, but nothing seems decided for sure," adding that their daughter Chicago, who was born via surrogate, "is still little, and they have time."
"They don’t seem to be in a huge rush,” the source revealed, adding, "They would use the same surrogate if she agrees to help them again. Kim can’t say enough kind words about the surrogate."
And, according to an August 2018 report from Us Weekly, Kardashian and West had one remaining embryo following their previous surrogacy experience, noting that the embryo was male. In her interview with E! News back in August, Kim Kardashian addressed baby rumors, saying, "I don’t know, I don’t know, I read that, I read something… none of that was true."
"But I’ve been really open about it and talked about it on our show, so… I don’t know," she continued. "We start filming season 16 next week, so if I think about it more and it’s gonna happen, you’ll definitely see it on the show. But as of now, no."
Let’s scratch our heads for a quick moment though, because if the reports that their fourth child (who would be due May 2019) are true, that means that the rumors that a baby was conceived in August 2018 aren’t so far-fetched after all.
Of course, Twitter has been running wild with speculation of a fourth Kardashian-West baby, because hello, another Kardashian-West baby!
Some people expressed their pure, unadulterated excitement:
Others were already giving advice on what to name the baby:
Honestly, they could name this reported fourth child whatever they want and it would still somehow manage to be chic, timeless, and pretty much perfect. That’s just how the Kardashian-West crew rolls, you know?
But if the reports are true, this may be the last child for the Kardashian-West clan. In an interview with Elle magazine in March 2018, she revealed that having four children would probably be her max. "I don’t think I could handle more than that," she said, adding, "My time is spread really thin. And I think it’s important that in all couples, the mom gives the husband as much attention as the kids." It should go without saying that the husband should be giving his wife just as much attention, too, but I digress.
Here’s hoping that 2019 brings us another addition to the Kardashian-West family. This news has totally started off the year on a high note. Thanks, Kim and Kanye!
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