If You’re In A Relationship But Like Someone Else, Here’s What To Do

It’s perfectly natural for human beings to develop crushes. I mean, if you ask me, having a crush is one of the best parts of the human experience. That’s why it’s always seemed so silly to me that we’re expected to suddenly stop developing crushes on other people as soon as we enter relationships. I mean, what happens if you’re in a relationship but like someone else?

Does it automatically make you a bad person? Of course not. Does it make you a cheater? Well, that depends on how you act on it and what sort of relationship you’re in. It can all be very confusing but, luckily for you, I’m here to help! In a recent Reddit AskWomen thread, ladies who’ve experienced this conundrum themselves give their best tips for how to deal.

Allow it to be a fantasy.


Joke about it with your spouse, if you have that kind of relationship.


If you’re in a monogamous relationship, break up before acting on it.


Don’t cheat.


Strongly consider what the crush is telling you about your current relationship.


Give yourself some time and space to think.


Give it time to disappear on its own.


Accept that timing just may not be on your side with this particular person.


Now, I’ve just got to note one thing here at the end. Most of these responses dealt more with how to deal with a crush within the confines of a monogamous relationship. Keep in mind that open relationships are also a perfectly acceptable option to explore if you and your partner are interested. There’s no one "right" way to have a happy, satisfying relationship!

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