And in our digital age, there's enough cameras around to snap a photo at just the right moment to capture a truly hilarious image.
Sometimes, it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
But it can also be a question of having the kind of mind that notices strange coincidences and patterns in the world around you.
And all over the globe, people delight social media users by sharing their perfectly-timed shots online.
Here's a gallery of some of the best weird and wonderful flukes.
Sacré bleu!
Perfect impressionist
Deer oh dear
In the cross hairs
An incredible feat
Lego likeness
Trucking hell
Shadow arrow
Lesson in camouflage
Cowboy bay
Stop parroting me
Shocking poser
Are you lonesome tea-night
Timeless image
Don't eat the stone
Ken you believe it?
You're my rock
Couple of dead ring-ers
Chilling image
Are you not enter-drained?
X-ray vision
Double trouble
Canine coincidence
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