In the latest installment of James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke on Friday, the Late Late Show host welcomed singer Michael Buble. As with every other Carpool Karaoke segment, the two sang some of the crooner’s greatest hits such as “Haven’t Met You Yet” and “It’s A Beautiful Day”, but the conversation took an emotional turn when they started talking about Buble’s son and his cancer diagnosis.
Buble said that when they received the news about his son Noah’s cancer diagnosis in 2016, his “whole life ended.”
“It’s so hard to have to acknowledge it because it’s so painful to talk about,” he said.
Holding back tears, he talked about what his family went through and how all of them moved to California to get the best treatment for Noah, who has since been in remission.
“When this all started, I became the strength to somehow pull us and lift us and to be positive,” Buble told Corden. “When they got [the cancer] out and the chemo was done and they said, ‘We did it, it’s good, he’s okay,’ I fell, I just fell. My wife picks me up now.”
Buble encouraged viewers to contribute to Stand Up to Cancer before he and Corden ended the emotional Carpool Karaoke session with a stirring rendition of “Home.”
Watch the video above.
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