“Call of Cthulhu,” the first official adaptation of Chaosium’s pen-and-paper role-playing game, arrives the day before Halloween, and developers Cyanide Studios dropped this launch trailer to celebrate its coming.
Players will take on the role of Detective Edward Pierce as he tries to find out what happened to Sarah Hawkins. The investigation game has players descending into the cosmic horror and creeping madness of Lovecraft’s Old Gods, cults and conspiracies. To keep things interesting, the game features a sanity and psychosis crisis mechanic and the ability to enhance your character’s abilities and use new skills to discover the truth.
Make sure to read our interview with the developers about the game’s unique approach to what amounts to leveling up which is meant to reflect the worldview of the tabletop game that inspired it, eschewing the traditional “classes” of contemporary competition like Advanced Dungeons and Dragons to focus on a more holistic measure of a character’s proficiencies.
The game focuses in on Pierce’s desire to escape, not fight, the things that haunt him, making use of his knowledge to distract and avoid the creatures.
The game is coming to PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One on Oct. 30. Stay tuned for our review of the game next week.
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