Why did former DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson leave Twitter? Which comic book movies are finalists for the People’s Choice Awards? What Suicide Squad plot hole did David Ayer acknowledge came from changing the timeline in post-production? Did you know Lea Thompson pitched a Howard the Duck reboot to Marvel? All that and more in this edition of Superhero Bits.
A new Weird Trailer takes aim at Avengers Infinity War, and even adds Captain Marvel to the proceedings.
Former DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson has been harassed off Twitter by angry Zack Snyder fans.
Watch this terrible and weird new promo for Venom that turns the symbiote monster into an ESPN mascot.
Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther and Deadpool 2 are all finalists for the People’s Choice Awards.
Here’s a new extended trailer for the upcoming seventh season of Arrow, returning to The CW in October.
Marvel’s issue zero of Spider-Geddon introduced Tarantula to the same universe as Spider-Man PS4 game.
Get a much better look at Riot in this latest TV spot for Venom featuring new footage from the fall movie.
David Ayer acknoledges that a timeline change in post-production created a plot hole in Suicide Squad.
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