For the sixth year in a row, IndieWire is partnering with the International Documentary Association for its annual screening series. The program began with the beloved “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” and continues with several of 2018’s most acclaimed documentaries.
Among those selections are Tim Wardle’s “Three Identical Strangers” (September 20), which won the U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Storytelling at Sundance; Sandi Tan’s “Shirkers” (October 1), which also debuted in Park City and will be released by Netflix later this year; and Marilyn Ness’ “Charm City” (October 4). Each screening is followed by a Q&A session moderated by the likes of KPCC’s John Horn, NPR’s Ella Taylor, and IndieWire’s Anne Thompson.
IndieWire will post coverage of every event, including video footage of Q&As. All screenings are held in Los Angeles, with participating theaters including ArcLight Hollywood and the Landmark.
The IDA Documentary Screening Series brings some of the year’s most acclaimed documentary films to the IDA community and members of industry guilds and organizations. Films selected for the Series receive exclusive access to an audience of tastemakers and doc lovers during the important Awards campaigning season from September through November. For more information about the series, and a complete schedule, visit IDA.
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