It’s a…..????
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It’s a girl!
Jason Aldean and his wife Brittany Aldean shared the sex of their second child on Instagram today. The couple, who announced Brittany’s pregnancy last month, wanted to do something special for Kendyl Aldean, 10, and Keeley Aldean, 15, Jason’s children from his first marriage. “Kendyl’s been…” Jason explained. “This is the only thing she’s talked about for the last month.”
Brittany and Jason shared the same footage from the “gender reveal” on their Instagram accounts. “Jason and I already know what it is,” Brittany said. “This is just for the girls, to see their excitement.” The sisters both predicted their stepmother would be welcoming a baby girl, and they were equally elated after they took turns swinging at balls, which released a pink dust.
2018 Celebrity Babies
After she was diagnosed with endometriosis, Brittany underwent IVF treatments to conceive son Memphis Aldean, born in December 2017; “The IVF was probably harder than the actual pregnancy, for me, because it was just such a roller coaster and so difficult,” Brittany, a lifestyle blogger and makeup artist, admitted to People earlier this year. “It’s such high highs and such low lows, and no one really knows that you’re going through it all so you have to just put on a game face and pretend that you’re not giving yourself shots in your stomach every day, all day.”
After giving birth to Memphis, Brittany said, “HANDS DOWN THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!”
Congratulations to the entire Aldean family.
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