What will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's baby's official title be and will he or she be a commoner?

Though we’ve not been told the baby’s gender, we do know whether he or she will have an official title. Here’s the lowdown.

What will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's baby's official title be and will he or she be a commoner?

Meghan and Harry's baby may not be called Royal Highness – thanks to its great-great-grandparent.

King George V introduced a rule in 1917 which means their baby will need special permission from the Queen to become a HRH.

Only the eldest son of the Queen's first born, Prince Charles, is entitled to be a HRH, no younger sons or daughters.

But in December 2012, before Prince William and Kate Middleton had their first born Prince George, the Queen used the Letters Patent so she could give all of their children a HRH title.

The Letters Patent is a method that allows the sovereign to give orders without involving Parliament.

The Queen is yet to make special permission for Harry and Meghan's first child to be a HRH.

So at this point, if it's a boy, he will have the title the Earl of Dumbarton.

If it's a girl, she will be styled Lady Mountbatten-Windsor, and any subsequent sons will be named Lord Mounbatten-Windsor.

Regardless of the baby’s gender, the child will be seventh in line to the throne, behind his or her father

He or she will remain ahead of any other children Harry and Meghan have in the future, again regardless of gender.

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