On November 26, NASA Will Be Live Streaming The Momentous InSight Landing On Mars On Their Website And Channel

At 3 p.m. EST on November 26, NASA will be broadcasting a live video with running commentary of the InSight landing on Mars, and public viewing parties will be held all over the world to watch the first Mars landing in six years.

If you would like to watch the first landing on Mars that has occurred in six years, prepare yourself, because NASA will be broadcasting the momentous landing of InSight in Mars’ Elysium Planitia on November 26 on their website and TV channel.

As Teslarati reports, NASA’s InSight lander first began its journey with the Atlas V rocket carrying it to Mars on May 5, and in just 10 more days the lander will strike down on Martian soil at 3 p.m. EST. Mission Control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California will not only be providing a live video stream of the InSight landing, but they will also be giving a running commentary on it.

However, because the NASA InSight lander does not have a video component, its actual descent will not be captured. But this will all be made up for by pictures of the lander parachuting down to Mars which will reportedly be shown during its descent and landing if all goes well.

The InSight name for the NASA lander has been shortened from “Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport,” and its work will include taking seismographic data that it collects from the Martian surface to help scientists learn more about the core of Mars. With six instruments carried onboard InSight, the lander will be artificially creating seismic waves by boring a probe deeply into the surface of the planet.

If you are at all concerned that the date of the NASA live stream of the InSight landing on Mars may change, don’t be. While the dates of rocket launches certainly may be changed or delayed due to a wide variety of issues, whether technical or weather-related, the official date for the InSight lander to touch down on Mars is firmly calendared in, and even if NASA should somehow wish to change the landing date, this would prove an impossibility owing to the physics involved.

If for some reason you aren’t content to watch the live video stream NASA will be providing comfortably ensconced on your sofa or glued to your computer monitor at work, there are a multitude of viewing parties that you can attend should you wish.

These are all open to the pubic and will be held in libraries and scientific facilities throughout the world, and include places like the ZEISS Grossplanetarium in Berlin, Germany, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in Paris, France, Times Square in New York City and the Westwood Branch Library in Los Angeles, California. A complete list of all of the hosts of these viewing parties has been kindly provided by NASA.

Whatever you happen to be doing on November 26, don’t forget to tune in to NASA to watch the historic live video stream of the InSight landing on Mars.

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