Leonardo da Vinci may have had eye condition that helped him depict space

He’s one of the most esteemed artists of all time, and now a new study has shed light on Leonardo da Vinci’s unique style.

Researchers from City University suggest that da Vinci may have had an eye condition called intermittent exotropia.

This condition causes the eye to turn outwards – and could have helped da Vinci to capture space on a flat canvas.

In the study, the researchers analysed sculptures, oil painting and drawings by da Vinci.

Their analysis suggests that da Vinci may have had intermittent exotropia.

This condition would have resulted in a capability to switch to monocular vision, in which both eyes are used separately.

By using monocular vision, da Vinci would have been able to depict the 3D aspects of faces and objects in the worlds, as well as the distant depth of mountainous scenes.

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